
The Blog

What to Know About Succession Planning for Financial Advisors

Everybody needs to plan for their future. As financial advisors, you help clients achieve their financial goals. But when you own a financial services...
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What Leaders Need to Know About Onboarding Financial Advisors

When we think about onboarding financial advisors, we think of it as their first day. It’s also the leader’s first day — the first...
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What Is Behavioral Coaching, and How Does It Connect to Your Values?

Our actions dictate our impact in life. And when we align our values and goals, and our goals with our behaviors, we can achieve...
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Why the DOL Decision Reversal Doesn’t Matter

Earlier last week, the Department of Justice did not petition the Supreme Court to challenge the US...
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Remembering Jim Choat

Sadly, on June 28th 2017, Jim Choat, one of the co-founders of think2perform, passed away.  Twenty years earlier...
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Second Annual Conference On The Evolution Of Financial Advice

View complete speaker line-up You can't deny it – the financial advice industry is changing. As consumers...
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Using The DOL Fiduciary Standard Ruling As An Opportunity To Transform Your Client Value Proposition

On June 16, 2016, think2peform CEO, Doug Lennick and Bill Moran CFP® hosted a webinar that featured...
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Are You Stoking Or Stifling The Fire Of Your Employees?

At think2perform, we know businesses recognize a key component of success lies in keeping employees productive and...
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Understanding The Advantages Of The DOL Ruling Webinar Recap

During a webinar held April 20, 2016, think2peform CEO, Doug Lennick and Keith Loveland, a nationally recognized...
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DOL Webinar Recap

During a webinar held on February 29, 2016, think2peform CEO, Doug Lennick, shared his thoughts with more...
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Locked in a Groundhog’s Day Loop?

In the movie Groundhog’s Day, Bill Murray’s character slogs through a repetitive daily cycle he cannot break....
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The Certainty Of Uncertainty

Gaining a competitive edge using behavioral advice   One of Doug Lennick’s and Chuck Wachendorfer’s favorite sayings is: “investments...
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