
The Blog

What to Know About Succession Planning for Financial Advisors

Everybody needs to plan for their future. As financial advisors, you help clients achieve their financial goals. But when you own a financial services...
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What Leaders Need to Know About Onboarding Financial Advisors

When we think about onboarding financial advisors, we think of it as their first day. It’s also the leader’s first day — the first...
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What Is Behavioral Coaching, and How Does It Connect to Your Values?

Our actions dictate our impact in life. And when we align our values and goals, and our goals with our behaviors, we can achieve...
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How Millennials Use Values to Make Better Decisions with Their Money and Their Life

Much has been written about how the millennial generation behaves, but there has been little written about...
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Utilizing Resiliency Sets You Apart When Adapting to Any Life Changes

Changes, great and small, happen in our lives nearly every day. Thankfully, we have a choice in...
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How to plan a successful change initiative

Have you ever worked on an initiative only to find out that you don’t have support from...
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Paying Attention Starts Purposeful Change

Purposeful change starts by simply being “aware” that there is a better option or choice to take. ...
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Dealing with Change

Change is a concept with lots of different connotations for us. For many of us, it's looked...
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Leading Transformational or Incremental Change

It’s been said that the only thing constant is change. Although that is probably not true about...
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Welcome Janet Vandenbark

Think2Perform is pleased to announce that Janet Vandenbark has joined our firm as Senior Vice President effective...
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Decision Making and Performance

Ever wonder why really talented kids you knew growing up turned out to not live up to...
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